[SOLVED] OpenAi ChatGPT Card Declined Error: How to overcome the Card Declined Error



on · 1 min read

Like many other users, I finally gave into all the ChatGPT 4 sneak peeks/capabilities that were posted on social media and decided to pay for ChatGPT Plus to experience it for myself.

Unfortunately, I kept running into the error of "Your Credit Card has Been Declined". I triple checked all card numbers and addresses and nothing worked.


I was finally able to purchase with one simple trick.

shut up and take my money meme

The Solution: I used a VPN to route to California and from there was finally able to successfully purchase. For full disclosure, I am also based in CA, so I'm not entirely sure why this works. YMMV

Still not working...?

There are a few caveats that I also want to point out if it still isn't working with the VPN trick that I've seen as possible problems on popular forums

  • ChatGPT may not be available in your country.
    You can find the full list of supported countries here.
  • Stripe(helps process payments) has stringent fraud protection and may be blocking your payment method.
  • OpenAI limits the amount of subscriptions that can be billed to a single card. In this case, try a separate billing method. More on it here.


About @workingforlatte

Hey there, I'm @workingforlatte, an engineer and solopreneur on a mission to make AI accessible and affordable while indulging in my love for lattes. One day, I hope to treat myself to a luxurious mcol latte, and who knows, maybe even upgrade to an hcol latte (a lofty dream, I know)!

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